War in Ukraine

Day 6 Life in the War


This report is from a trusted partner in Yarmonlintsy in Western Ukraine. They receive people on their journey to safety. The safe haven they are providing is either in a Bible School or a church.

Dear brothers and sisters, today is the sixth day of the war in Ukraine. Fighting is underway in the capital Kyiv, Sumy, Kharkov, Kherson and other cities. Rocket strikes covered many military and civilian facilities.

From the first to the third day there were many refugees. Then the wave of refugees decreased, as the cities were closed, and people could not get out. Today I hear that people are fleeing from Kyiv and other cities again.
I'll tell you everything in order.
On the first day we received 12 people for the night.
The second day was the most difficult - we received a call an hour before arrival and were asked to take 108 people, and we only have 40 beds. This was a Christian boarding school from Melitopol with 60 children, and educators with their families. They were on the road for 31 hours, sleeping on the move in cars. Therefore, when we gave them food, sleeping on the floor was a great happiness for them. [Not shown - a photo of children from the boarding school].
Weary travelers are grateful for a warm meal and a place to sleep
On the third day, 62 people spent the night.
On the fourth day 16 people. This is a foster family of Christians from Kramatorsk with 4 orphans and a family from Zaporozhye. These two families stayed with us. Therefore, from this day on, 4 people live in our house, and 7 people constantly live in the house of prayer.
House of Prayer
On the fifth night, in addition to 11 permanent families, families of doctors from the Kiev region also arrived, in total 27 people spent the night.
Our church was very actively involved in this ministry - donating fresh and canned vegetables, even unbelievers, having heard about people who spend the night with us, bring food for them. We gather every morning at 9:00 in the house of prayer, pray, summarize and plan the day ahead.
Yesterday we got a call from the administration of Yarmolinets and asked to cook 2-3 thousand dumplings. Therefore, the sisters have been sculpting them all day today.
We have a checkpoint near every village, the military constantly checks the documents, in the evening it is necessary to close all the windows so that there is no light on the street. After 21:00 curfew you can not be on the street.
Our whole life has changed a lot, and every day something new happens.
We want to be as useful as possible for the people of Ukraine, but we need a lot of wisdom to make the necessary adjustments.
We thank the Lord for:
- brothers and sisters for joint service
- for food and shelter
- for the eternal hope we have in Jesus Christ.
Pray for:
- so that the war ends, and people do not die. There is a lot of evidence that Russian soldiers are shooting at civilians.
- for our strength and health. Yesterday I felt bad, my heart ached, I just lay there for half a day. Today, thank God, better. Everyone works every day and is very tired. - for the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit in these difficult circumstances, which are also rapidly changing.
Thank you for your fervent prayers and active help.  
With God, Vladimir & Olga
